Disclaimer Rules
The Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office (SCO) has endeavoured to ensure that all safeguarding, health and safety and associated concerns are addressed through the service agreement put in place with Service Providers for activities funded by this office. A copy of the service agreement is available for inspection via the SCO website, https://staffordshirespace.uk/ or by emailing space@staffordshire-pfcc.pnn.gov.uk
For non-SCO funded activities where Service Providers affiliate their activities to the Space brand through publicity arrangements through the Space website only, Service Providers are expected to have in place their own policies and practices and to operate activities based on their own terms and conditions. The SCO is making no enquiries directly about this expectation.
The ‘Details’ box featured on each activity clearly defines those activities that are SCO funded and those that are non-SCO funded.
The SCO makes aware to Parents / Guardians / Carers of young people participating in funded Space activities that photographic images may be taken to promote the Space programme. Should a Parent / Guardian choose for their child / children not be featured, the Service Provider will be responsible for ensuring compliance with such a request.
Service Providers are requested to advise the SCO of activities which operate with limited place availability and when all such places are filled, these will be identified within the Space website. Service Providers are also requested to provide details to the SCO of activities which are cancelled, details of which will be published, where provided, on the Space website. However, the SCO will not be liable for the non-provision or non-timely provision of this information by Service Providers, nor for any losses or expenses where young people arrive at the pre-booked activities without having booked when they are turned away. Responsibility for ensuring young people not admitted into venues get home remains with the parent, guardian, or carer of that child.
The SCO will not be liable for any direct or indirect losses, liabilities, costs (including legal and administrative costs), claims (actual or threatened) damages, awards, injuries (other than personal injuries or death arising from the SCO’s own negligence) expenses as a result of participation in the Space programme and / or activities undertaken.
Further information please contact space@staffordshire-pfcc.pnn.gov.uk
Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office (SCO)