H.O.T Summer Scheme Back to Nature

Enjoy a range of activites exploring nature. A walk down to the lakes to do some Pond Dipping. Forest School activities and the option of a visit to the Farm […]

H.O.T Summer Scheme Walk

walking and hiking

A full day walking in the Derbyshire Dales. Gentle, steady climb up to some spectacular views, then descend to the disused railway track and more or less flat back to […]

H.O.T Summer Scheme Beach Trip


Enjoy a day at the beach. Fresh air, hopefully sunshine, sand and the sea. Whatever the weather a chance to have fun with families too. Skegness is our preferred destination […]

H.O.T Summer Scheme Urban Arts Day

graffiti art

DJ Skills, Beat Boxing, Virtual Reality, Break Dancing, Graffiiti Art and Spray Can Art. Heart of Tamworth combines with New URban Era to deliver a packed day of exciting activities